Ballymena based Seven Towers Netball Club are looking for new players! The netball club which meets weekly in St Patricks College have a juniour and a senior team and would love to see new members coming along.

Photo Credit: chrisjtse; Creative Commons
Maybe you played a school years ago, maybe you know you aren’t as fit as you’d like to be, or you just love a good competition – Seven Towers Netball Club wants you. Everyone is welcome and the friendly team and encouraging coaches will make sure that you feel at home in no time.
Taking up a team sport has lots of great benefits. If you like want keep fit but find the gym boring then the fast pace of netball will keep you interested and engaged. Being part of a team means that you meet lots of new people, learn new skills which brings confidence and it is a great stress buster.
Training Times
Seniors Tuesday 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm
Juniors Wednesday 6.00 pm -7.00 pm
Click here to follow Seven Towers Netball Club on Facebook. If you would like to play competitively or join in the training to improve you fitness come along and you will get a warm welcome.