The PSNI in Ballymena recently shared some advice to check on bogus callers. Most of the time when someone calls at you house it will be an innocent caller and is nothing to worry about but if you have any worries then read through this advice from the PSNI;

Photo Credit: Miketually; Creative Commons
There have been a few reports of distraction burglary across Northern Ireland over the last few weeks and we just wanted to remind you of steps you can take to protect your home. Have a look at the poster above to see how you can use QuickCheck to verify the identity of callers to your home.
The most important thing to remember is that you should never let anyone into your home until you are satisfied as to who they are. The PSNI recommend that you save the quickcheck number – 0800 013 22 90 – and the non-emergency number – 101 – on your speed dial at home so that both are easily dialled if you need to make contact. Keep a look out for any elders neighbours and relatives and don’t be scared to say no to a stranger at your door.