Rural Support is an organisation which supports the farming community in Northern Ireland.


Rural Support was formed as a charity in 2002. At that time, the Foot and Mouth epidemic was having a severe impact on farmers and on the rural community as a whole. There was evidence of distress within the rural community and the need for a support service was identified.

The organisation provides this support through a helpline which offers a listening and signposting service for farmers and rural families. Callers to the helpline are of all ages and backgrounds and come from every part of Northern Ireland.

The types of issues that we address include emotional distress, suicide risk, financial problems, inheritance issues, physical and mental health, farming paperwork and bureaucracy.

Watch the video below to show how Rural Support has helped farmers and their families.

If you’re feeling worried or stressed and would like to talk to someone in confidence, the trained volunteers are ready to help. All calls are confidential and the helpline operates from 8am to 11pm, seven days a week (voicemail and support options available at all other times).

Call Rural Support on 0845 606 7 607 and get advice and help for the farming community.