Who didn’t enjoy Pancake Day earlier this year? Our Ballymena Today youth team certainly did – but for those of us who found pancake flipping a bit frustrating here is and article written by our youth team about flipping the perfect pancake!
I have only successfully flipped a pancake a few times – I guess that makes me a pro! Firstly to make the pancakes you will need
- 8oz soda bread flour
- 2oz caster sugar
- 2 eggs
- Butter milk (approx. 1/3 pint)
- 2tbsp sunflower oil/olive oil
Sieve the flour into a large bowl
Add the sugar and make a ‘well’ in the middle
Add the eggs and the oil
Gradually add the buttermilk and whisk until a runny consistency
Once you have made the batter you need to add about 2/3tbsp onto a slightly greased pan. After about a minute cooking time, there should be bubbles on the surface of the pancake, check to see if the underside is cooked. Give the pan a wee shake and if it comes away from the bottom it is ready to flip.
Take the pan off the hob and tilt it slightly away from you – just enough so that it starts to slide. Now you have to pull the frying pan back towards you in an upwards motion at the same time. Hopefully your pancake will flip 180⁰. If it did put the pan back onto the hob and cook the other side. If you’re not as lucky it will fall on the floor or possibly stick to the ceiling.
Just remember that practice make perfect. If you don’t get it right the first time…try again. Have fun
Hopefully that will help anyone who is craving more pancakes! Thanks to the Ballymena Today youth team for sharing this blog at Ballymena Today.