The Dogs Trust share these facts; Under 20 minutes in a hot car can prove fatal to a dog should its body temperature exceed 41°C. As the temperature inside the car rises, in just a matter of minutes, the dog’s suffering will become evident through excessive panting, whimpering or barking. This will develop into a loss of muscle control and ultimately the kidneys will cease to function, the brain will become irreversibly damaged and the heart will stop. Make a difference… Please share our hard-hitting video far and wide, help us make as many people as possible aware of the damaging affects leaving a dog in a car can have.

Photo Credit: Jim Handcock; Creative Commons
We hope that this reminder has convinced you not to leave your dog alone in a locked car without ventilation this summer. For more information, or if you have a pet that needs help, please contact Grove Vets Ballymena. Call 028 2565 6023 to make an appointment for your pet.