Mainstream marketing and communication is often boring. Everyone saying the same thing, using the same formula for their branding, design and communication. The same formula for the website. Posting the same inspirational quotes over pictures of sunsets or people standing on cliff edges. So much of this seems like quick-fire short-cuts so that you can simply say something… anything.

This is a quote from a post on my own blog, read the full post here.

Distinctive good design stands out, gets noticed, looks different.

Different from what you may ask?

This is the challenge for a designer. Staying ahead of the curve is difficult. New ideas require time, effort and inspiration. These things don’t come easy. They are not found in a busy, chaotic schedule. Trust me.



Surprise surprise. Rest is good.

I recently spoke to a few different people who enthusiastically told us about how many great ideas they had during their holidays when they were able to rest and relax. They had clarity of thought. Shocker!!

To move toward your new ideas you need this clarity and space. A lot of it. Not just once or twice a year in short bursts. Standing out from the crowd may sometimes seem impossible but, us designers need space to create. Despite it being tough, we should keep trying to make time in order to create distinctive good design.

When design starts to get boring or formulaic, it can often be because it’s born out of busyness that says ‘just get it done’ and quickly.

It doesn’t matter what size your business or organisation is, distinctive good design is really important.

Your website, branding, marketing… office, shop window. Posters. Flyers. Business cards.



What’s the verdict?


Are you standing out with good distinctive design?



The above images are designs I recently spotted and loved. To see more, you can follow my ‘Design Inspiration” board on Pinterest here.