Search Results for: social media

Share the Conversation on Social Media

Did you know that you can follow Ballymena Today on twitter? And have you seen our original content which we share on Instagram? If not then you must head over and give us a follow. Share the Conversation on Social Media Twitter If you are on twitter than please click here and follow us. Following us on twitter means that you will never miss a post. You are also welcome to tag us in any Ballymena news that you are excited about. Twitter is such a great medium to get short messages and news out to your friends and...

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Grove Veterinary Centre using social media

At Ballymena Today we love to see local businesses using social media to communicate effectively with their customers. One example we have loved seeing is Grove Veterinary Centre using social media via their Facebook page to help pet owners find missing pets. The speed of social media platforms can be really helpful when you or your business has worked on building a community and following. Grove Vets posted about this ginger cat on Thursday 13th Oct and the very next day we were excited to see that the pet had been reunited with it’s owner. How amazing is this? It’s...

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Chef and social media

We recently watched the movie Chef. Chef is written, produced, directed by and starring Jon Favreau. Favreau plays a professional chef who, gets into a very public war of words with a food critic/blogger…. we won’t spoil the rest of the movie but, here’s the official trailer which gives away most of the story. Chef and social media This movie is great if you love food, some of the scenes where food is being prepared will make you drool. But this film also does a really wonderful job of displaying the power of social media for good and for bad. We loved how Twitter plays such a huge part in the storyline. We loved that it is most effective in the story when in the hands of the films youngest character. We loved Chef, we think you will...

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Social Media for your Ballymena Business

We find it incredible that businesses and business owners still need to be convinced of the power of social media. We have mentioned social media a lot over the past few years. [see more of our posts here] Our aim Ballymena Today will continue to share informative insights here on our blog but perhaps the most important thing we can say is, that you just need to sign up, set up your profile and get using some form of social media for your Ballymena business. Strategy is all well and good and statistics will certainly help you to see what works and what doesn’t but, sometimes you just need to get on with it. What you need to grasp right now is that using social media for your Ballymena business is as important as serving your customers and/or clients in person. How you speak to people, what information you share and how you react from one tweet/status/email to the next… is not rocket science. It does not need deep head scratching debate. Social media users are potential customers and brand advocates for you and your business. They are really important. That fact should inform how you think about and use social media today, tomorrow and the next day. Our Advice Here are our top ten social media tips for your Ballymena business. It’s your business/organisation, you should know what you...

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Ballymena Today Social Media Experience

The Ballymena Today team have worked tirelessly over the last few years to connect with local businesses and organisations in our town area, to offer a vital online presence and platform for all. You do not have to be in the town centre to connect with us and benefit from being part of an actual community. We would love to connect with you. Do you have offers and information that you need regularly updated and shared online? Do you need assistance with your website, design, print and overall social media presence? We can help you. Our team has many...

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