How to find out if a building is listed

Wilson and Mawhinney, in Ballymena, are experienced in construction projects all over Northern Ireland. If you are thinking of doing any kind of work on your home or premises you may want to check if it is listed.


A listed building is a building which the Department of the Environment has decided is of ‘special architectural or historic interest’. Here is advice from NI Direct about how to find out if a building is listed;

You can find out if a building is listed in Northern Ireland by looking up the Northern Ireland Buildings Database. This contains information on all listed buildings in the region as well as information on buildings recorded since 1997 that do not meet the statutory test. The Statutory List (held in paper form) contains further information on buildings that have not been reviewed since 1997. This can be accessed at the Northern Ireland Monuments and Buildings Record, located in Northern Ireland Environment Agency’s (NIEA) offices and are also deposited with Local Councils.

Staff of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency’s Historic Buildings Unit are happy to confirm if a structure is listed or not and can be contacted:

by telephone on 028 9054 3158 or 028 9054 3176

by e-mail at
by writing to:
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Waterman House
5 – 33 Hill Street

Click here for more information. For a building and civil engineering contractor who has many years dealing with construction projects involving listed buildings click here to find out more about Ballymena based Wilson and Mawhinney who offer 36 years of professional experience.


ballymenaconstructionlisted buildingnorthern irelandwilson and mawhinney
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