Local Architects feature in SelfBuild Ireland Magazine

Slemish Design Studio who are based in Ballymena have been featured in Architectural magazine SelfBuild Ireland.


Steven Bell and Joseph Magill are the men behind the thriving architectural business. They have relocated recently to the Raceview Mill complex in the village of Broughshane. The old mill in Broughshane had been abandoned and was in a state of disrepair before a team took on the task of regenerating the area. See what they achieved in this short click which was made to promotes their festival in August.

Well done to all the folks at Raceview Mill in Broughshane – follow the mill here on Facebook and to find out more about the work of Slemish Design Studio click here to visit their website.

ballymenaBlogbroughshaneraceview millself build magazineslemish design studiotoday
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