Womens Aid ABCLN – Funzie in a Onesie

In Ballymena Womens Aid provides an invaluable service for people and children who have felt the impact of domestic abuse. They have a wonderful staff and team of supporters and their group of young people aged 13+ called Our Voices have come up with a great fundraising day out.

Funzie in a Onesie will be held in the People’s Park in Ballymena on 22nd October from 4pm. Turn up in your onesie and join the team on a 1 mile walk around the park. It is sure to be an afternoon of fun and camaraderie.

If you know of any young person that would like to take part please contact Ruth on 07850003280 or Laura on 07568106373 to collect a Sponsorship form. A minimum of £20 must be raised to take part.

Here are some of our favourite onsies for both girls and guys from ASOS. Click here to see more.

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If you face domestic abuse you can contact:

  • Women’s Aid for confidential information and support 028 2563 2136
  • 24 Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline 0808 802 1414
    Open to all women and men affected by domestic violence
  • PSNI if you are in immediate danger – 999

You read more at the Women’s Aid Website or visit the Naomi Centre, 2 Cullybackey Road, Ballymena, BT43 5DF.

asosballymenafundraisingfunzie in a onsieonsie fuziepeoples parkwomens aid
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