Using Twitter effectively

Using Twitter effectively

Ballymena Today know that Twitter can be much more than just a lot of people saying a lot of things all at once. Sometimes it seems like the noisiest party you’ve ever been to. Everyone is vying for attention. Forget the headlines about trolling and forget the fears about what you will say or how you will respond to people. The best attitude we believe you can adopt to Twitter is to just try it. If you have a message or a product then you have something to say to people.

Those people are potential customers.

Here are some quick tips.

  1. Pick a relevant username and make sure your biography either explains who you are and what you do or links to your website.
  2. Find out what other twitter users in your field of expertise and/or market are saying and using twitter for. You can learn lots from other users.
  3. Tweet regularly. If you tweet once a month, people will be less likely to catch your message.
  4. Don’t tweet too often. If you tweet 600 times a day, people will get fed up with your noise.
  5. Engage with others. There’s that clue again in the name. Be social, reply to people, re-tweet things you like and try to be nice.
  6. Use hashtags relevant to your brand, product and/or message. Stay on message. If you sell coffee, tweet about coffee.
  7. Link your Instagram account to your Twitter account. Combining these social media outlets will help you build an audience.
  8. Enjoy the experience and Don’t give up!

The last point is important! So many people demand instant results from social media which is why there are so many ‘pay for followers’ or ‘pay to get Likes’ scams around the web. Ignore all of that nonsense!

We believe firmly that patience and perseverance are more important and effective. Believe in your product/message, stick with it and build a community that is real and local first. The people who stick around and become part of your ongoing conversation might just be vital in supporting your local business in Ballymena or wherever you happen to be.

There’s lots we could say about Twitter. Lots of do’s and don’ts.

Just be honest with people, share your products, be excited about your business and learn from others as you engage.

Get started today.


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