Swiss Army Knife from Outdoor Adventure

Outdoor Adventure in Ballymena sell Swiss Army Knives in their store which is full of equipment and clothing for people who love being outdoors.The Swiss Army Knife is an iconic bit of kit which all adventurers should have.

148761_351058581627594_464962555_nHere is the history behind the indispensable pen knife from the Victorinox website;

A man named Karl Elsener opened a cutlery workshop to deliver a soldier knife to the Swiss army in 1884, and he had a revolutionary idea in mind. He was looking for a compact and sturdy knife, which offered many functions combined in a single tool. What he invented has long become a legend: the Original Swiss Army Knife.
Over the years, both customer needs and technology have changed. The Swiss Army Knife has evolved by responding to these needs, while remaining an essential tool people can rely on.


Outdoor Adventure have a variety of knives which you can choose from. All offer solutions to different problems so you can invest in a knife that will always be useful for you. Call in with Roy at Outdoor Adventure on Church Street in Ballymena and check out the Swiss Army Knife range. They make a great gift for the man who has everything and are essential for anyone who enjoys adventures in the outdoors.

Outdoor Adventures are one of the shops who are participating in the Ballymena Discount Day offering 20% off all day long. Ballymena Discount Day is today, Thursday 6th November, and many local shops will be taking part.

ballymenachurch streetdiscount dayhistorylocal businessoutdoor adventureswiss army knifethursday
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