Ballymena Book Club

Ballymena Book Club

This month Ballymena Book club will be tackling two book. Award winning Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner and Playing to the Gallery by Grayson Perry.

The first is a Teenage fiction which has made the difficult cross over into the adult market and the latter is a book about contemporary art – so there is definitely something for every one!

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The Ballymena Book Club meet on the first Wednesday of each month at Waterstones in the Fairhill Shopping Centre in Ballymena. Then the group head out for coffees and discussion before picking the book for future months. All are welcome and new member come and go each month. If you love reading and would like to push yourself to read outside of your normal genre, or would like to meet fellow readers then you should call in with the Ballymena Book Club in December.

ballymenabookclubmaggot moonplaying to the gallerywaterstones
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