Simon Community Northern Ireland

Simon Community work with homeless people in Ballymena and throughout Northern Ireland. Next week, 22nd – 30th November is Homelessness Awareness Week and Simon Community have suggested some ways in which you could help their valuable work.

Here’s just a taste of the fundraisers that can be held at home, at church, at your local or in the workplace.
1) Cake sale
2) Coffee Morning
3) Quiz Night
4) Comedy Night
5) Sleep over (or sleep out if you’re really up for it!)

You can also donate by simply texting SIMON to 70660 and donate £3.

Here’s where the money goes –
Every year, we have to fundraise over £1,000,000 to support the 2,000 people who stay with Simon each year across our 23 projects in Northern Ireland. Your fundraising efforts go to supporting people in our projects and the 1,000s in the community who we help to move to independent living.
A £2 donation pays for one of the 33,000 calls we received to our helpline this year.
£10 provides a crisis pack for people who have literally nothing but the clothes on their back.
£25 pays for a 1 hour session with a harm reduction worker whose input can be truly transformative for people at risk.

Whatever you choose to do, you’re making a difference to the lives of people who are homeless right here in Ballymena and throughout Northern Ireland.

awarenessballymenahomelesssimon community
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