Ballymena Book Club – Death Comes to Pemberley

Ballymena Book Club – Death Comes to Pemberley

Ballymena Book club, which meets in Waterstones in Ballymena, were recently discussing two very different books. The group were commenting on Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner and Playing to the Gallery by Grayson Perry. One is an award winning dystopian fiction and the other is a lively and accessible book about modern art.

This month the book club are tackling the brilliant “Death comes to Pemberley” by P.D. James. P.D. James is a famous crime author who sadly passed away earlier this month. She took a break from her normal writing to pen this continuation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice which involves a great murder mystery.


If you have read “Death comes to Pemberley” or are interested in joining in next month then feel free to come along and join in. Ballymena Book club meets on Wednesday 7th January at 7.00pm in Waterstones in the Fairhill Shopping Centre in Ballymena.

book clubbookclubdeath comes to pemberleyfairhill shopping centregrayson perrymaggot moonPD Jameswaterstones
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