FREE Iyengar Yoga Class at The Braid Ballymena

The Braid in Ballymena are offering a FREE Iyengar Yoga Class on Saturday 24th January 2015. Organised to celebrate National Iyengar Yoga Day, it give people form Ballymena the chance to come along and see if yoga is for them.

Photo Credit: C. Simpson

Photo Credit: C. Simpson

On Saturday 24th of January yoga classes will be offered free of charge in over 60 locations across Ireland to celebrate National Iyengar Yoga Day. This is the second year of the nationwide event which invites curious or aspiring yogis as well as regular yoga students to come together in local halls and yoga studios to practice yoga. There are lots of different of classes available throughout the country  – and most are suitable for all abilities.

We want as many people as possible to try out a free class to experience some of the physical and mental benefits of yoga.  In January many people make and break New Year resolutions, but this is one New Year resolution we hope you will keep and start the New year on a happy and healthy note. (

FREE Iyengar Yoga Class at The Braid Ballymena

No experience is necessary – that’s the whole idea. Get a taster of yoga and see how you enjoy it. Bring along a yoga met or, if you don’t have one, bring a blanket instead. Wear loose and comfortable clothing.  To book, please telephone 02825 861202 and provide your name and telephone number. Enjoy your free Iyengar Yoga Class at The Braid Ballymena.

free classIyengar Yoga Classnational yoga dayThe Braid Ballymena
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