Farm Safety Infographic

Farm Safety Infographic

Local Ballymena agricultural retailers Killyless Stores recently shared this Farm Safety Infographic on their website. The farm safety infographic from the Farmers Journal is designed to explain farming safety trends. Farming is statistically the most dangerous occupation in Ireland and while new technologies have improved safety in lots of way there is still room for improvement. Take a look at the information below.

Farm Safety Infographic

Farm Safety Infographic

The Farmers Journal also reports:
Statistically speaking, farming is the most dangerous occupation in Ireland, with more than 1,000 injuries occuring on farms every year.

The majority of farm injuries occur on the farmyard, although injuries also occur in farm buildings and on farmland.

Although farm injuries in 2011 were down on 1991 figures, the figure is almost double the number of injuries that occurred in 2006.

Farmers are the most likely to be injured on the farm, although 11% of farm deaths are children. In the past decade alone, 176 people have been killed on Irish farms.

Please share this infographic with any local farmers. Thanks to Killyless Stores for writing about this Farm Safety information.

ballymenafarm safetyfarmersinfographicsirelandthe farmers journal
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