Parish Halls, Bushmills by Wilson and Mawhinney

Parish Halls, Bushmills by Wilson and Mawhinney

Ballymena based Building and Civil Engineering Contractors Wilson and Mawhinney completed the Parish Halls project in Bushmills.

Parish Halls, Bushmills by Wilson and Mawhinney

Parish Halls, Bushmills by Wilson and Mawhinney

Leading construction teams who transform architectural and engineering designs into reality is all about character, integrity and leadership. In this project the Parish Halls were designed to fit beautifully into their surrounding, to be functional and built to the highest standard possible.

Wilson and Mawhinney are a family owned and operated construction contractor. They have a reputation for a fair, professional and honest approach to business and have been creating great places to live and work since 1978. We are pleased to have delivered a project which will be of great use to the local parish and surrounding community in Bushmills. If you have a building project which you are currently considering then do not hesitate getting in touch with Sam at Wilson and Mawhinney for a chat. Visit the Wilson and Mawhinney website for more details.

ballymenaBuilding and Civil Engineering Contractorsbushmillslocal businessparish hallswilson and mawhinney
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