Raise the Roof Choir at Wellington Church Coffee Morning

The Raise the Roof Choir will be singing at Wellington Church in Saturday 9th May. The children’s choir will join a Coffee Morning which begins at 10.00 at the Church on the Sourhill Road in Ballymena.

Raise the Roof Choir at Wellington Church Coffee Morning

Raise the Roof Choir at Wellington Church Coffee Morning

The Raise the Roof choir will be singing at 10.30 am. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a cup of tea, coffee and support this good cause. All the money raised by the children’s choir is used to build a school in Uganda. To find out more about the work of the Raise the Roof choir and their fundraising so far visit their website and click here to read their blogs.


Raise the Roof want to thanks all of the children, parents and people who already support the Raise the Roof choir and give a special thanks to Lynsey Graham for organising the Wellington Coffee Morning where the Raise the Roof choir will be performing.

ballymenachildrens choirfundraisingraise the roofuganda
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