Museums At Night – Ballymena

Museums At Night – Ballymena

The Braid Mid-Antim Museum will be celebrating with the Museums at Night initiative which encourages people to visit and see their local museum from a different perspective. We have all seen “A Night at the Museum” and can only imagine how exciting it is to really get in after everywhere else is closed and take a look at all the exhibits.

Museums At Night – Ballymena

The Braid Museum say:

Why don’t you come along to visit the museum on Friday night where you will get an opportunity to handle museum objects, dress up in Neolithic costumes and follow a specially designed night time trail around the museum galleries.

The Braid Arts Centre, who will be hosting the ‘International Methodist Art Collection’ exhibition, have agreed to open late as part of the Museums at Night event.

The museum will be open on Friday 15 May 2015 from 7pm-9pm.

Museums At Night - Ballymena

Lauren Laverne is a Museums at Night Ambassador and she says;

I am honoured and delighted to be Ambassador for Museums at Night.
We all know British culture is rich and diverse. But how exciting to experience this in a new way – at night-time, when lights go down and our imaginations are in charge!
Museums at Night weekend is a fantastic opportunity for museums and galleries to get together to put on events that allow us to celebrate our heritage in new and exciting ways – perhaps discovering a cultural gem on our doorstep that we didn’t even know existed.

We are excited to see the doors of The Braids Art Centre in Ballymena opening to the public for the Museums at Night initiative.

ballymenabraid arts centreBraid Mid-Antim Museummuseums at night
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