Ballymena blues band Tailor – Throwback Thursday

Ballymena blues band Tailor is reforming to support Cancer Research UK by playing two dates here in their home town.

Ballymena blues band Tailor - Throwback Thursday

Tailor who were formed in the late 60s are a six piece band with Tucker McIlwee Drummer, Ronnie McAuley Bass, Trevor Erwin Rhythm/Lead Guitar, Gerry McNeilly Saxophone/Flute is joining the group from Birmingham, Dave Moore Lead/Rhythm Guitar who is jetting in from Canada and John Tennant Vocals.

The Ballymena Times reports:

The boys got back together after Tucker McIlwee lost his son Christopher to cancer recently and he thought of this novel way to remember Chris and at the same time fundraise for the cancer charity.

Two venues have been booked and the six piece group will perform at the Countryman’s on the Grove Road on Friday, May 8 and the following Friday, May 15 in the BT Club on Church Street. Tickets are currently on sale at £5 with all the proceeds going to Cancer Research UK. If anyone would like further Information they can contact Marion McAuley on 028 2589 9356

We look forward to hearing how the Ballymena Blues band get on at the comeback gigs and commend this group of friends for planning such a great tribute for a good cause.

ballymenablues bandcancer research uktailor
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