Coffee NI on Instagram

Coffee NI on Instagram

Keeping a close eye on how your social media accounts are performing is an important aspect of engaging and building an audience.

There are a number of ways to do this but, we love Iconosquare for its easy to use site and the detailed analysis you get.

To give you an idea of the kind of information that can be useful to you we decided to share a snapshot of  Coffee NI on Instagram.

Some of the stats below are evident just by looking at the Instagram profile in the app on your phone but Iconosquare gives you much more than that.

Being aware of what is going on, what content works best, how many new followers you are getting and why… you can learn lots from this kind of information.

Some of the most rewarding social media activity for Coffee NI has been on Instagram simply because pictures work well on the web… people love pictures of food and coffee but people also love pictures of clothes, shoes, pets, cars, buildings, weddings… the list goes on and on.

If you have a business and/or organisation you will see great engagement and increased audience by getting started on Instagram.

Have a look at Coffee NI on Instagram

overall stats first media

coffee niinstagramsocial media
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