Bark in the Park 2015 – Ballymena

Bark in the Park 2015 – Ballymena

Bark in the Park will be held in Ballymena this weekend on Saturday 8th August. Kicking off at 12.00 and running until 3.00pm Bark in the Park is a great day out for dogs, dog owners and animal lovers. Grove Vets from Ballymena will be there to meet your dog and offer free check ups. What a great opportunity! Read about Grove Vets here.

Bark in the Park 2015 - Ballymena

Bring your dog down to socialise with others, join in the games and maybe even win an award. The event is held at the Ecos Centre and is run in conjunction with the Ballymena Dogs Trust. Here are some more details;

As well as a Fun Dog Show for competitive canines, there will be free vet checks, microchipping, a chance to take part in agility tests and of course the popular doggy fancy dress.

There will also be a Puppet Show, a variety of stalls, a car boot sale and face painting.

It’s a fun family day and all are welcome whether accompanied by a dog or not!

Competition categories

  • Dog Fancy Dress
  • Waggiest Tail
  • Most Handsome Male
  • Prettiest Female
  • Best Rescue Dog
  • Cutest Puppy
  • Best Senior Dog (over 8 years old)
  • Best Young Handler

For more information please call Dogs Trust on 028 2566 1005 (Source)

Bark in the Park is being held at the Ecos Centre meaning there is no ParkRun this week. Head down to the Ecos Centre on Saturday to take a look at all the doggy talent Ballymena has to offer at Bark in the Park 2015.

2015ballymenabark in the parkdogs trustecos centreparkrun
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