Carniny Amateur and Youth FC Coaching at Ballymena Showgrounds

Carniny Amateur and Youth FC Coaching at Ballymena Showgrounds

Carniny Amateur and Youth FC will offer two days of football coaching at Ballymena Showgrounds from Tuesday 25th to Wednesday 26th August 2015. The coaching event will kick off the partnership between Carniny Amateur and Youth FC and Sunderland AFC and with the football season just kicking off we are sure that lots of kids would love the opportunity to be a part of this special event.

Carniny Amateur and Youth FC Coaching at Ballymena Showgrounds

The clubs recent partnership with the Premiership side, Sunderland AFC will see the Foundation of Light coaches deliver a two day coaching program. Foundation of Light Coaches work with SAFC Academy and SAFC Player Development Squads.

All attendees will receive a two hour coaching session delivered by the Foundation of light coaches. Coaching subjects will include

  • Technical Ability and skills
  • Player Development
  • Agility Strength
  • Speed and Balance
  • Fair play and Teamwork
  • Tactical Awareness
  • Player Specific skills


Carniny Youth Coaches will also be taking part in a Coach Education program which will also be delivered by the Foundation of Light Coaching Staff. Age Groups catered for over the two days will include 20011s, 2010s, 2009s, 2008s, U9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18/19. The precise time timetable can be found on the club website – or from individual team managers.

Whilst the two day program is aimed at Carniny Youth Players, the club have opened up the opportunity to all local youth players who think they would benefit from the sessions, subject to space availability and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Each player will take part in a two hour session and the cost per player is £5.00.

If you are a Carniny Player then you should see your individual team managers to book a place on the course and those from outside the club should visit the Club website where they can download an application/consent form here.

Players attending may be invited a later date to take part in open trails with Sunderland AFC – Foundation of Light, but this is by no means guaranteed and will be strictly by invitation only. All players should come appropriately dressed with full football kit, waterproofs as necessary with SHINGUARDS MANDATORY and their own water.
Any further enquiries about Carniny Amateur and Youth FC Coaching at Ballymena Showgrounds please get in touch with Billy O’Flaherty on 07850669666.

ballymenacarniny youthcoachingfootballFoundation of Lightshowgroundssunderland afc
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