Check the MOT status of a car – Ballymena

Every car in Ballymena is gets an MOT after three years and then every year after that. If you are buying a second hand car and are unsure about whether it needs to go through the MOT or not then you can check the MOT status of a car online.

Check the MOT status of a car - Ballymena

Just enter vehicle details to see the date of the last MOT test, the mileage at the time and the expiry date of the test. has an online tool which you can use but before you go online you will need the vehicle registration mark and either:

  • the MOT test number (you can get this from the VT20 test certificate or the VT30 refusal certificate)
  • the document reference number from the V5C registration certificate (logbook) if you don’t have the MOT test number

You can also check the MOT date by registration number and make and you can use the online service to check if an MOT certificate is genuine by comparing your details with the details online.

Click here to check the MOT status of a car or Vehicle at

If you need to put your vehicle through its MOT then book yourself a slot at the Ballymena MOT centre which is located in Pennybridge Industrial Estate. Normal opening hours at the Ballymena MOT test centre for booking tests or making enquiries are Monday to Friday from 8.45 am to 12.30 pm and 1.15 pm to 4.00 pm. If you are bringing your vehicle in for an MOT, tests are run on Monday to Saturday from 8.00 am to 8.30 pm. To see what you need to take with you to your MOT click here to read the Ballymena Today article – MOT Ballymena.

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