Speciality Coffee Shop opening in Ballymena

Speciality Coffee Shop opening in Ballymena

The Ballymena Today team love great coffee and we are really excited about the opening of Middletown Coffee Co.

Another coffee shop?

That’s what we expect your reaction to be if Middletown Coffee Co. is news to you and, we certainly can’t argue that Ballymena has experienced a few new coffee shops in recent months. Coffee is on trend. A speciality coffee shop opening in Ballymena is different to a coffee shop opening in Ballymena. But, first, here’s what Middletown say…

We love coffee, our hometown of Ballymena and people.
We want to see a buzzing community of people who get as excited about coffee as we do.
That’s why we are opening Middletown Coffee Co.

Coffee isn’t just a hot beverage though

More and more people here in Northern Ireland are interested by what that means.

The Speciality Coffee Association of America says;

Speciality Coffee refers to the highest quality green coffee beans roasted to their greatest flavour potential by true craftspeople and then properly brewed to well-established SCAA developed standards.

Origin, chain of supply, roasting, brewing and consumption are all steps in a quality process that is vitally important and people working in speciality coffee highlight these factors with their dedication to the craft. Learning and excelling in the speciality coffee industry is at the heart of the Middletown Coffee Co. ethos. This is what sets their industry apart from mass-market coffee, commodity coffee and every single coffee brand you will find in your supermarket.

So, Middletown Coffee Co. will be different… I’m willing to say, exceptional not just different.

Speciality Coffee Shop opening in Ballymena

Middletown need staff

Have a look at their recent blog post. Middletown Coffee Co. need passionate like-minded people who share their values and strive to always be better. A part-time Baker, chef/cook and baristas.

Jonathan and Emma who own Middletown Coffee Co. will be an inspiration to anyone who works with them, we are sure of that. Jonathan is the current Northern Ireland Aeropress Champion and represented his country at the World championships earlier this year. He currently works in Established Coffee in Belfast and it will be a joy to see the passion and enthusiasm that is shown there being spread around Ballymena.

The Ballymena Today team are excited not only to see a specialty coffee shop opening in Ballymena but, also to see new businesses open in our town centre is great news.

Keep an eye on the Middletown Coffee Co. website, Twitter and Facebook for updates on when they will be opening. We know it’s soon….

ballymenamiddletown coffee cospeciality coffee shop
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