Sustainable food from Broughgammon Farm

Broughgammon Farm is located outside Ballycastle a few miles from Ballymena. We, at Ballymena Today, have mentioned them many times before as they have sold their tasty produce at both Raceview Mill Market and Antrim Castle Gardens.

Sustainable food from Broughgammon Farm

The family run business offers the finest produce from the farm including veal and goat. If you have ever had the chance to sample some of their burgers or food at a food fair or even then you will know that Broughgammon meats are exceptionally tasty. If you haven’t sampled anything yet then see them at St.Georges Market every Sunday.


The Cole family has had an active role in farming and agriculture in the Bushmills area since the late 1700’s. However, Broughgammon Farm was established in 2004 when Robin and his wife, Millie, returned from a career abroad to live “The Good Life’. Since then each member of the family has had their own unique impact on the business, which is now headed by Charlie and Sandy. Click here to find out more about the farming family.

Broughgammon also cater at Birthdays, Open-Days and Weddings, and they offer courses for people who would like to sample the farming life!

We love this family businesses focus on sustainability. On their website the share this about local sustainable food:

We believe in sustainable food sourcing, be it the the reduction in the culling of males produced in the dairy industry as a ‘by-product’, and instead utilising them as the superb resource they are. The way in which we fail to use our beautiful Game resource, favouring farmed game instead. The fashion trends that have seen seaweeds forgotten as a food source. Even simple food miles.

Our belief in a sustainable food chain has seen us promote local diversification in farmsteads encouraging other farmers with by-products to think differently.

We have extended beyond the realms of a mere sustainable food chain to try and become a leading example of sustainable living. (Source)

Buying sustainable and local food means that we are supporting local farmers and also cutting down the damage which we are causing to the environment. A Similar sentiment is shared by the organisers of Slemish Market Supper Club which we have written about here. All the food there was locally sourced and in season and extremely tasty- it has certainly made us think twice about where what we are buying to put on our dinner table.

If you would like to find out more about Broughgammon Farm click here.

ballycastleballymenaBroughgammon FarmFarmsustainable food
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