Street style photos that are inspire our autumn style

Street style photos that are inspire our autumn style

In Ballymena we have been enjoying a mild winter. So far we haven’t had to raid our wardrobes for our winter coats, scarves and mittens. But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t getting excited about dressing this wintertime. Here are some of our favourite winter looks from the internet.

Get your hat right

Street style photos that are inspire our autumn style

via trendycrew

We love this layered look which was captured by Streetstyle website Trendycrew. We really like the mixture of textures, and the dark green colour. The colourful necklace is a fun addition to a rather serious ensemble. Our favourite part of this outfit is the fedora hat. Look out for winter hats in unusual colours, and trade in last years shabby beanie hat for something more sleek. In Ballymena they can be picked up in Dorothy Perkins, Peacocks and Primark.


Lose your coat in favour of a cardigan

Street style photos that are inspire our autumn style

Ivelina from fashion blog Frichic showcases casual winter layers perfectly. We love the colours, we love the fashion forward styling but most of all we love that it looks cosy, really cosy. Her outfit is simple and easy to replicate – grab some black leggings, or trousers (try Couples on Broughshane Street) , add a long sleeve top (try H&M) and pull on your most comfortable cardigan. Well cut knits can be picked up everywhere from Dunnes to Marks and Spencers. Add a scarf, pull on your trainers and you are ready to go. The structured black leather bag adds a professional touch to the whole look.


Layer with Leather

via EasyFashionParis

We love this look which we came across on Easy Fashion. Why do we like if so much? Because it combines a fluffy knitted jumper with a leather jacket – which looks warm without being too bulky. The skirt is cute and easy to wear, especially with thick black tights – get them as black as possible to keep it chic. The brogues as the perfect winter footwear as they aren’t as heavy as boots but offer your feet protection and comfort in the winter. Check out Fred Funk’s on Broughshane street for shoes which would add a bit of colour to this black look. The skateboard is optional – Head to True Grip if you would like to try one.

So if you are lacking in inspiration just do what we did – google some of your favourite street style website and check out what your favourite bloggers are wearing. Lets take advantage of our mild winter weather and showoff some of our favourite outfits in Ballymena before we have to cover up with our winter coats.

ballymenaBroughshane Streetcouplesfashionfred funksskateboardtrue grip
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