Christmas at Robert Adair Jewellers

If you dread shopping for your loved one then Robert Adair Jewellers in Ballymena are there to give you a hand. Don’t let you Christmas shopping and wrapping get on top of you. Head down to this local family run Jewellers on Mill Street where they have a beautiful range of gifts, keepsakes and jewellery which you can browse. The staff are here to help you pick out the perfect piece whether its a watch, ring, necklace, diamond, hip flask, photo frame or clock.

Christmas at Robert Adair Jewellers


Robert Adair Jewellers have some other helpful offers to make your Christmas shopping even easier!

  • They will gift wrap any item bought saving you the time and hassle at home.
  • They will engrave any item with a personalised message.
  • They will be opening late – making it even easier for you to come a visit the showroom on Mill Street in Ballymena.
    Over the Christmas Season they will be helping to make finding the perfect presents even easier with late night opening on the 17th & 18th Dec (9am – 9pm) and the 21st, 22nd, & 23rd Dec (9am – 9pm).

Christmas at Robert Adair Jewellers

A personalised gift wrapped present is sure to be a hit with your loved one on Christmas Day so take advantage of these offers from Robert Adair Jewellers and call in wth them with your Shopping list now.

Christmas at Robert Adair Jewellerschristmas in ballymenagift wrappedjewellerypersonalised
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