Be Visible


In my “2015 in no particular order” post on Medium I concluded with a few thoughts and aims for 2016.

One of them was to be visible.

I’m visible online every single day. A little less so than I used to be but, nonetheless I am here everyday. If you want to say hi, ask something or yell at me you can do so on Twitter.

But online wasn’t what I meant when I said visible. Now, see if you can find me in the picture above.

If you own a small business or are self-employed like me, it’s easy to see the people you need to see and then be insulated from the rest of the world. It’s hard work to mix it up and be visible to other people.

Why not go to the shop or office next door and say hi, ask how their day is going. Take a walk around the streets where you work, be a regular at your local coffee shop or buy your newspaper at the same newsagents.

Imagine a Ballymena where more of us strived to be visible.

On most Wednesdays and Fridays you are likely to find me at Middletown Coffee Co.

If you see me, say hi. Be visible.

Ps: I’m not in the picture above!

ballymena todaybe visibleMiddletown Coffee co ballymena
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