Ballymena Vet offers free Dog Weight loss plan

In Ballymena Grove Vets offers a free Weight loss plan for any dogs who have over indulged. By now most of our human weight loss resolutions may have fallen by the way side but it isn’t too late for your pudgy pet. If your dog isn’t getting as much exercise as they need or they are getting over fed they may need a weight loss plan to help them get back to their best.

The consequences of being an overweigh dog can include the following;

  • Breathing Problems – Much like us, dogs find that carrying excess weight around cause stress on the lungs. If you notice your dog huffing and puffing then they may be overweight and struggling.
  • Heart Disease – Being overweight means that your dogs heart has to work harder.
  • Skin and Haircoat problems – Obesity leaves you dog more prone to skin infections, dermatitis and other skin conditions.
  • Arthritis – The added strain on joints and ligaments can worsen pain and make it harder for your dog to move around.
  • Reduced Activity – Your dog isn’t just as energetic as they normally are – it is probably because the extra weight is making it harder to move around.

Ballymena Vet offers free Dog Weight loss plan

If you think that your dog is overweight or have noticed a change in their behaviour then please don’t worry or try to cope alone. Grove Vets want to help your dog get their weight back on track with meal plans and exercise suggestions.

Ballymena Vet offers free Dog Weight loss plan
Here are Lucy and Biscuit Keenan who recently went along to the nurses clinic at Grove Vets. they love their food and have recently put on a little bit too much weight. Our Veterinary nurse planned out their new weight loss plan, offered their owner lots of dietary advice and booked them in for their weekly weigh ins.
Obesity is a major problem in our canine and feline patients, so Grove Vets we offer weight loss plans, diet advice, and weekly weigh ins all for FREE.

Grove Vets in Ballymena offer this free Dog Weight loss plan which will leave your dog will be feeling fitter and healthier. The Grove Vets Weight nurses clinic is free so call them now on 028 2565 6023 to book an appointment.

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