Bike for Brandon – Ballymena

BD Fitness at Galgorm Business Center in Ballymena have arranged a “A Bike for Brandon Event”. BD Fitness is a female only fitness club who are inviting ladies along to their 20 minute spin classes in order to help raise funds to purchase a specialised bike for Brandon Dunseath. Brandon is a great little boy who sadly sustained a brain injury when he was only 5 years old and this new bike would help him in his rehab.

Bike for Brandon - Ballymena
Brandon, now 11, has limited movement in his arms and legs depends on a wheelchair and the help of others to get around. While attending a rehab hospital in Stoke they introduced him to the specialised bike. It will help to get his joints moving, improve muscle strength and stimulate movement.All in the comfort of his own home.

12642685_1017291221663458_4248655813412667560_nThe classes cost £5 per session and the places are being booked up really quickly – but please do call down on Saturday 20th February- you don’t have to take part in the spin session, just turn up for a cup of tea and a bun to support the others and all donations are welcome.

The event starts at 2.30pm and BD Fitness have already raised money for Brandon with a similar event. Well done to all the ladies who have booked a bike and to the team for taking the time to help this great young man to get his bike!

Click here to find out more about Ballymena fitness club BD Fitness and the Bike for Brandon event.


ballymenabd fitnessbike for brandonspin classes
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