Super Sales in Sports Direct Ballymena

Super Sales in Sports Direct Ballymena

The Ballymena Today Youth Team has been out and about in Ballymena – shopping in Sports Direct to be exactly . . .

Super Sales in Sports Direct Ballymena

Last Tuesday, for a birthday present, my mum and I took a trip down to Sports Direct Ballymena, in the Fairhill Centre. We went because I wanted to get some fitness gear, and also because we had heard that there were some sales on. These we could not miss!

As you may already know, Sports Direct is a shop which sells all things physical: ranging from clothes, shoes, cycling accessories, footballs to tennis rackets, and much more! I love the shop because of the variety and style. As I have mentioned, they have a huge clearance sale on because of stock liquidation – and all their stock must go. They are not closing down, but just trying to sell all their stock, so don’t worry‼

I went to the shop aiming to get some fitness gear. When I first arrived in the shop in Fairhill, I saw the shoes on the bottom floor, most with “SALE” tags on them! I wanted to stop and try lots on, but I knew that wasn’t why I was there, and I didn’t think my mum would approve… So we went upstairs, and we saw the amount of choice there was. “SALE”, “70% OFF”, “’2 FOR’ OFFERS” signs were everywhere, and the amount of clothes that was still there was surprising! So we walked around and through the clothes jungle, picking stuff off the hangers, and keeping them in our hands if they were just fab.

The sale prices are incredible, and they are even on big designer brands such as Adidas, Karrimor, USA Pro, Nike… the list goes on! The prices which were reduced ranged from 30% off to 90% off! We were so impressed! For example, the average sale prices went from about £40 to £10, and that wasn’t even the best bit! Some prices went down by 90%, meaning that if something was £100 to begin with, the new price would be about £10! Isn’t that crazy? Crazily good, I think!


So when we had a lot of clothes for me to try on (too many‼), I tried them on in the changing rooms. In order to get into the changing rooms, a member of staff needed to let us in with a keypad. When we were in, I tried everything on, I changed and I checked, until I was certain that that was what I wanted!
I must admit that the staff at Sports Direct were extremely helpful, and they were always willing to assist us in anything that we wanted to know or needed. Thank you staff!

Have you been to see the sales in Sports Direct, Ballymena yet? If not, why not? It will definitely be worth the effort!

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