Advice about Caravan tyres

From Caravan tyres, to high performance car tyres – Ballymena Tyres can provide and fit the best for your budget. Ballymena Tyres have a wide range of tyres to suit every need and with years of experience you know that your car, people carrier or caravan is in good hands.

Advice about Caravan tyres

The TyreSafe website have released this helpful video giving advice and details about how to make sure that your caravan is completely legal. also gives some great tips this summer for caravaners.

Out of season storage conditions can sometimes have a detrimental effect on motor caravan and trailer caravan tyres, so owners are advised to carry out a series of simple checks to ensure their safety on the road and the safety of their passengers and other road users:

Carefully examine tyres to ensure that there are no cuts or bulges and that the sidewalls are sound and not affected by ozone cracking.

By law, tyres must have a minimum of 1.6mm of tread, however, Micheldever/Protyre recommends that tyres with less than 2.5mm of tread should be considered for replacement.

Owners of trailer caravans with tyres that are over 7 years old should have them replaced irrespective of their condition.

Tyre pressures are vital and should be checked and adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer’s handbook.

Bring your caravan, car or people carrier to Ballymena Tyres this summer to make sure that you are road worthy and ready to relax and enjoy your holiday. If you have any questions or want to book your vehicle in at Ballymena Tyres call 028 2565 2518.

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