Farm Safety Week – Who would Fill your Boots

Farm Safety Week – Who would Fill your Boots

This week is Farm Safety week and this year it tackles the question – Who would fill your boots?

Farm Safety Week - Who would Fill your Boots

The National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs are proud to support the Farm Safety Foundation for the third annual year. It is to highlight the importance of staying safety in an area which has become known as the most dangerous occupation in the UK and Ireland.

Farm Safety Week – Who would Fill your Boots

This year’s Farm Safety Week is being supported by a greater number of organisations than ever including – the Farm Safety Foundation, Farm Safety Partnerships, the Health & Safety Executive, Health & Safety Executive for Northern Ireland and the Health & Safety Authority, Ireland.

From falls and transport to child safety. – Farm Safety Week offers five days of themed practical advice and guidance for farmers from five nations with a single purpose; to reduce death and serious injuries in agriculture.

Farm Safety Week will offer five days of themed practical advice and guidance for farmers covering:

Monday – Falls

Tuesday – Machinery (e.g. PTO shafts)

Wednesday – Livestock

Thursday – Transport (e.g. ATVs)

Friday – Child safety

Farm Safety Week - Who would Fill your Boots

On each day of Farm Safety Week, farmers will be encouraged to take five minutes to assess the safety of some routine tasks. Anyone who wants to take part can use the Twitter hashtag #FarmSafetyWeek.

Share this Farm Safety Week – Who would Fill your Boots blog post with any Ballymena farmers, or anyone who works or lives on a farm. This week is a great time to consider the potential for an accident on your farm. Thinking through the dangers now could save a life in the future.

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