Biodiversity Summer School in Ballymena

Biodiversity Summer School in Ballymena

A Biodiversity Summer School is set to be held in Ballymena in August. Arranged by the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council it is a free event aimed at families.

Biodiversity Summer School in Ballymena

Biodiversity Summer School’ will give families the opportunity to take part in fun biodiversity projects such as pond dipping, mini-beast hunts and bird box building. Learn about the natural world through a variety of activities and games.

The Ballymena event is set to be held from Monday 15 August – Friday 19 August and will be at the Ecos Nature Park, Ballymena. It will start at 11am and end at 1pm. If you need directions please check out the map below.


biodiversity-logo-MEA_1000x941The Ballymena Times shared comments from the Major of Ballymena about the event.
Mayor Cllr. Audrey Wales, said: “Come along and learn about the natural world through a variety of activities and games. There is no need to book – just turn up to take part whatever your age.

“We are committed to protecting and promoting the biodiversity in the borough and one of the best ways to generate support and understanding of the natural world is to get people to experience the wonders of their local area first-hand. We have some fantastic open spaces in the borough, and a wide range of wildlife, so I would encourage everyone to come along and enjoy these free family events.”


What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the short term used for ‘biological diversity’, which is, “the total variety of all living plants and animals, and the habitats in which they live”. It encompasses the entire range of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects and other invertebrates, plants, fungi and micro-organisms.

Why is biodiversity important?

Biodiversity is the web of life, of which we are an integral part, and upon which we so fully depend. It provides us with essential goods and services that we could not live without – The oxygen we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. The intrinsic value of biodiversity cannot be over-estimated, adding beauty and variety to our surroundings. The Mid Ulster area is endowed with a rich and diverse range of landscapes and wildlife habitats that together distinguish its special character and identity. (Click here to read more).

Put the date for the Biodiversity Summer School in Ballymena into your diary.

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