Dogs Trust Ballymena Foster Carers

Dogs Trust Ballymena Foster Carers

Dogs Trust Ballymena do a great work in the Ballymena community. They care for stray and unwanted dogs and rehome them with their forever owners. They work very hard and recently have been encouraging people to consider becoming Dogs Trust Foster Carers.

Dogs Trust Ballymena Foster Carers

Their latest campaign focuses on how important Dogs Trust Foster Carers can be:

Dogs are a huge part of many children’s lives but for children and their families who are fleeing domestic abuse, the bond is often even stronger. One in seven children and young people will have lived with domestic abuse at some point in their childhood*. At such a traumatic time it can be devastating to lose a much loved family pet as well. Most refuges are unable to accept dogs so for many families fleeing domestic abuse, it would be a heart-breaking decision to leave their four-legged friend behind.
Thankfully Dogs Trust can help – by placing dogs into the homes of volunteer foster carers who will care for them until they can be safely reunited with their loving families. Since the project began in 2004, we has fostered more than 1000 dogs, helping their families to flee an abusive situation. More than 80% of the families we help have children.

Find out more about the Dogs Trust Freedom Project week here. Click here to find out more about the Dogs Trust in Ballymena.

ballymenadogs trustfoster carersFreedom Project week
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