Radio Cracker Ballymena Fundraising Events

Radio Cracker Ballymena Fundraising Events

There are several Radio Cracker Ballymena fundraising events planned over the next few weeks. Most of us are familiar with Radio Cracker being on air in Ballymena coming up to Christmas each year, but they have a great range of fundraisers planned before that.

Radio Cracker Ballymena Fundraising Events

First up is a Country Concert on Thursday 8th September 2016 at 8.00pm in Michelin Athletic Club. This is always a really popular event for local country music enthusiasts. Taking part this year is Moira Crawley, Geri Kane, Stephen Beckett, Radio Cracker presenter Billy McFarland and more. Compere is Jackie Fullerton and tickets are £7.50 (pay at door)

Also on 17th September, Radio Cracker will have their annual Cake Sale in the Fairhill Shopping Centre, starting at 9.00am and finishing when the last one’s sold!

For all of you potential ‘Eggheads’ there’s a Table Quiz planned for Friday night 14th October. Bring your team from work, family, mates or group and join in a great night’s fun and help raise some money for the very worthwhile projects supported by Radio Cracker. The venue is Eaton Park Rugby Club and quizmaster is Craig Whyte, a Radio Cracker presenter, ‘who will bring his own unique brand of fiendishly difficult questions!’

Before broadcasting begins at the end of November, another of Radio Cracker Ballymena fundraising events planned is a concert by Belfast Community Gospel Choir taking place on 19th November at 7.30pm in Wellington Church, Sourhill Rd, Ballymena. This is a ‘night not to be missed’ Tickets will be £10 for this event.

With your help, Radio Cracker Ballymena fundraising events help  to support the projects which benefit from your generosity.

A spokeperson for Radio Cracker Ballymena said, “Our sponsors, advertisers and individuals from Ballymena and beyond have always been very, very generous. Over the years we have been able to use the money raised to help so many people in so many different parts of the world. We want to do the same this year, so we’re asking once again that people support us, so we can support others. Please come along to as many of these events as you can. Enjoy the fun and entertainment while at the same time supporting a great cause.”

Radio Cracker Ballymena are on Facebook here. To read a summary of the projects they supported last year click here.

ballymenabelfast community gospel choircake salecountry music concertfundraising eventsRadio crackertable quiz
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