Raise the Roof Kids choir returns

Raise the Roof Kids choir returns

Here at Ballymena Today we have, in the past, featured the Raise the Roof Kids choir. After a busy summer the Raise the Roof Kids choir has returned. That means there will be lots of busy children, parents and volunteers giving up their time help children in Africa. Raise the Roof have been faithfully raising funds to provide children in Uganda with a school.

Earlier this year the Raise the Roof team posted some exciting news on their Facebook page.

Such a wonderful celebration of all your hard work, mixed with lots of God’s favour, to finally see this plaque on the wall of our first Raise the Roof school! The people there are dancing for joy!! This for them represents many, many prayers answered and the beginning of new hope!! The Acholi people say ‘Afoyo’ – THANK YOU !!!

After a phenomenal achievement of completing the first building phase for 250 children already attending their brand new RTR school it’s time to dream BIG again!!


Raise the Roof Kids choir returns Raise the Roof Kids choir returns Raise the Roof Kids choir returns

Raise the Roof Kids choir returns

Maybe you have a child who enjoying singing in the choir, or donated money to them at a Raise the Roof event or fundraiser. Well done to all the people who made this happen. Raise the Roof are now continuing to fundraise to raise money for the next wing of their new school.

If you would like to volunteer to help, sing with or book the Raise the Roof Choir then please click here to head over to their website which has lots of information. Lets support this brilliant charity organisation which has done so much great work already.

ballymenachoirraise the roofuganda
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