Share Firework Safety advice from Ballymena Today

Share Firework Safety advice from Ballymena Today

A few years ago here at Ballymena Today we shared advice about how to handle and work with Fireworks. Because it is firework season in Ballymena we decided that this was worth sharing again. If this saves one person from an injury or burn then it is worth sharing – so please retweet, share and send this to anyone you know who likes to light some sparklers  at Halloween. Let’s face it – who doesn’t love a sparkler!!

Share Firework Safety advice from Ballymena Today

Fireworks give great enjoyment to lots of Ballymena people but they are also very dangerous. Read this information below from the Northern Ireland Fire Service about Fireworks and Sparklers.
• Never give sparklers to young children under five.
• Always wear gloves with sparklers, preferably leather ones.
• Hold it at arm’s length while an adult lights it for you.
• Never wave sparklers near someone else as you could burn them.
• Never hold a baby in your arms when you are holding a sparkler.
• When the sparkler has finished, put it into a bucket of cold water straight away and leave it there

Share Firework Safety advice from Ballymena Today

Firework Safety Code

When buying fireworks, make sure they comply with BS 7114 or its European equivalent and are
clearly marked for their intended use “Indoor, Garden or Display”.
• Keep fireworks in a sealed box or tin.
• Use them one at a time, replacing the lid immediately.
• NEVER put fireworks in your pocket.
• Read the instructions carefully, using a torch or hand lamp. NEVER use a naked flame.
• Light fireworks at arm’s length using a taper or a firework lighter.
• Stand well back and NEVER return to a firework after it has been lit as it could explode in
your face.
• Always supervise children around fireworks.
• NEVER throw fireworks.
• Keep all pets and animals indoors.
• Take care of sparklers; wear gloves to hold them and dispose of sparklers in a bucket of water as
soon as they are finished.
• Don’t set off noisy fireworks late at night and never after 11pm.

Be safe and enjoy your fireworks this autumn without any unnecessary injuries.

Please share this and help families and firework fans in Ballymena to stay safe this year!

fireworkfirework codesafety
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