Communication in Ballymena should be easy

Communication in Ballymena should be easy

The root cause of almost any problem you will find in a company – and in life – is ineffective communication.

– Claire Lew in the latest edition of Offscreen magazine.

Communication should be easy. It’s not like we don’t have an array of options at hand to make it easier…

But it seems to be a hurdle that some people just can’t leap over.

I blogged the above content recently here on my personal blog.

One of the reasons we re-post or re-share content or advice is because when something is worth saying, then it’s worth saying again and again…

Email, social media, texts, video… we have so many tools at our disposal. Communication in Ballymena should be easy but, so many of us struggle to simply say what we are doing and why we are doing it.

Ballymena Today is about helping you and your business or organisation to communicate better. Who are you, what are you doing and why.

And our writing is FREE!

Communication in Ballymena should be easy.

ballymena businessballymena communityballymena social mediabusinesscommunication
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