Farmers – Throw away your DARD pre-paid envelopes

Farmers – Throw away your  DARD pre-paid envelopes

Don’t use DARD pre-paid envelopes is the message sent out by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA). Have a look at the details below:

Farmers - Throw away your DARD pre-paid envelopes

Farmers – Throw away your  DARD pre-paid envelopes

The Northern Ireland Civil Service has changed its postal contract and as a result customers will need to be aware of the following.
Department of Agriculture pre-paid envelopes should no longer be used to send items to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) as this licence has ended.

If customers wish to use up their stock of pre-paid envelopes, stamps need to be attached to cover the full postage cost.

Envelopes with insufficient postage attached will be returned to sender by the Post Office. DAERA are no longer able to pay the outstanding postage.

Failure to attach sufficient postage will lead to the non-delivery of items to DAERA, and the possibility of animal statuses and subsidy penalties.

Please contact your local DAERA Direct Office, or telephone 0300 200 7840, with any queries you may have and click here to visit the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs website.

ballymenadard envelopesDepartment of AgricultureEnvironment and Rural Affairsfarmersfarming
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