Christmas in Ballymena – Montrose Garden Supplies

Christmas in Ballymena – Montrose Garden Supplies

Montrose Garden Supplies are our latest Ballymena local business to feature in our Christmas in Ballymena series. Montrose Garden Supplies are located on Paradise Avenue is Harryville, Ballymena and they have every thing you need for Christmas and more.

Christmas in Ballymena – Montrose Garden Supplies

First and foremost NOW is the time to get your Christmas tree up and decorated. Get down to Montrose mnow to pick up a beautiful real fresh christmas tree which will fill your house with festive cheer. The staff will be able to help you pick up the tree which is right for you and give you all the advice and help you need to make it last. Fresh tress when well cared for can look great for 5 to 6 weeks so now is the perfect time to pick yours up!

Montrose Garden Supplies also offer pretty Christmas plants and gifts and Holly Wreaths. Perfect for your home or a gift if you are delivering pressies later this month.

Christmas in Ballymena - Montrose Garden Supplies

Light up your garden with solar and battery powered decorative hanging lights. That way you can be sure that your guests, and Santa Claus know exactly where to deliver their presents and your garden will look gorgeous too. We love the cheeky little Robin Red Breast below:



Montrose Garden Supplies have a range of chainsaws and Log Splitters that are perfect for cutting up firewood to stay cozy during these cold winter nights. They also have all the winter essentials which you may need from De-icer, 25kg bags of salt, to Outside tap covers, Plant guard/fleece and much more.

And finally don’t forget to feed the birds this winter. This time of the year can be tough for birds with the cold weather and dark short days make it hard for birds to find food. Montrose Garden Supplies have a range of


At Montrose Garden Supplies you will find Christmas gifts for your green fingered friends and family and the Winter Essentials that will keep you safe and sorted over the festive season. Head down and see them today and support a great Ballymena business this wintertime.

ballymenachristmas in ballymenachristmas treefresh Christmas treemontrose garden centre
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