McCarroll McConnell advice for Northern Ireland Landlords this winter

McCarroll McConnell advice for Northern Ireland Landlords this winter

Ballymena has lots of local properties which are available to rent and are owned by landlords. If you are a local landlord then this article from McCarroll McConnell is a must read. McCarroll McConnell are Insurance Brokers in Ballymena – they offer insurance and advice for property owners.

Here are some of their tips for anyone who owns houses or buildings and how to keep your let property safe over the winter period:

McCarroll McConnell advice for Northern Ireland Landlords this winter

Advice for Ballymena Landlords this winter

Winter can be a tough time for landlords.
The colder months present a series of significant risks to rental properties, all of which could lead to costly problems. But by taking some time to check over your property now, you can help to ensure a disaster-free winter. Here are the first 5 of our tips which you might find useful.

1. Check the pipes
It is important that you check all external pipes for breaks, leaks, and blockages. Blocked or leaking pipes can freeze during the cold months, then expand and burst – causing potentially expensive water damage.

2. Think about insulation
A properly insulated property is an absolute must. Make sure that you check the basics, starting with obvious draft points. Check the cladding around your boiler and pipes, and make sure that taps don’t leak.

3. Make sure your tenants are informed
Well-informed tenants are the best protection against winter property damage. Don’t assume that your tenants know how to deal with the cold weather; many won’t. Similarly, you should remember that it is your responsibility as a landlord to make sure they have the information they need.
Consider putting together an information pack, including things like the location of stopcocks, basic boiler operation, and so on. Remind tenants to periodically turn the heating on (using the timer system if one is available) if they go away over Christmas, in order to ensure that pipes don’t freeze.

4. Periods of Vacancy
Unoccupied periods are a major threat during the cold months. If you know that your property is likely to be empty over the winter, you need to make extra plans to ensure its upkeep. Make sure that you visit regularly to open windows and check on the heating. If you can’t do this yourself, make sure that you arrange for someone else to visit.

5. Check your insurance policy
Make sure that you understand the terms of your landlord insurance policy. Remember that maintenance-related issues tend not to be covered by landlord policies. This means that you need to make sure that your property is fighting fit for winter – both for your own peace of mind, and for that of your tenants.

Click here to read more advice from local Ballymena insurance brokers McCarroll McConnell.

If you would like advice or a new new house insurance quote for your properties then please give McCarroll McConnell a call. They are happy to help you find the best insurance which best suits your need and with their expertise and experience you can be sure that they can meet your needs. Call on 028 2565 3053 to discuss your insurance needs. McCarroll McConnell are based in Ballymena we offer house insurance throughout Northern Ireland.

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