Bernie McGill – Ballymena Book club

Bernie McGill – Ballymena Book club

Waterstones in Ballymena will be hosting local Northern Irish author Bernie McGill at a very special bookclub in April. We are letting you know now to give you the opportunity to pick up one of her books and enjoy her writing before she comes along. The bookclub at Waterstones will be discussing Bernie’s book The Butterfly Cabinet.

Bernie McGill - Book club

The Butterfly Cabinet is Bernie’s first novel and you can find out more from the video below.


Bernie McGill - Book club

Bernie McGill was born in Lavey in County Derry in Northern Ireland. She studied English and Italian at Queen’s University, Belfast and graduated with a Masters degree in Irish Writing. She has written for the theatre (The Weather Watchers, The Haunting of Helena Blunden), the novel, The Butterfly Cabinet and a short story collection, Sleepwalkers.

Her new novel will be published by Tinder Press in 2017. Her short fiction has been nominated for numerous awards and in 2008 she won the Zoetrope:All-Story Short Fiction Award in the US. She is a recipient of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s inaugural ACES (Artists’ Career Enhancement Scheme) Award in association with the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen’s University, Belfast. She lives in Portstewart in Northern Ireland with her family and works as a Creative Writing facilitator. (Source)

The Butterfly Cabinet sounds fascinating and it will definitely be next on our reading list. It is a local story which should really appeal to anyone who loves a mystery, a tear jerker all set on out beautiful North Coast.

At Ballymena Today, although we have yet to read The Butterfly Cabinet, we are already huge fans of Bernie’s short story collection Sleepwalkers which we recommended here last summer as part of our “LOCAL BOOKS FOR BALLYMENA READERS” series. Read about it here.

So please call in with Waterstones in Ballymena and pick up your copy of The Butterfly Cabinet and plan to come along an meet Bernie McGill on 20th April 2017 at 19.00. All welcome and we have be assured that there will be free cakes and coffees!

ballymenabernie mcgillbook clubbookclubthe butterfly cabinetwaterstones ballymena
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