Things we have been saying for years

Things we have been saying for years

Digital marketing. Social media. Digital strategy. The Internet.

We have written about these in the simplest of terms in order to encourage you to jump in and get started. Our advice is free. Here are some examples from our archives:

Five Things Your Ballymena Business Must Address

Google Facts Ballymena Should Know and Understand

Focus on Conversation

Who is Listening to You

A reminder that people matter

Your customers, community, tribe… that’s what matters. There is no magic wand solution to the Internet that will help you, if you have not connected with real people. As a small business, you can’t compare yourself with the giants of Internet shopping and their tactics. Your audience, your aims and your expectations must be different from huge companies and corporations… surely?

How to get the most from the Internet

Start by using the Internet and not just watching the Internet. That’s a good place to start!

Seriously though, connect with people. Stop expecting to go viral. You can’t be like Amazon. Follow influencers and leaders but more importantly, follow your customers, talk to them and listen to them. Look for brand advocates. Stop looking for magic tricks, spend the time it takes and do it well.

Communication in Ballymena should be easy, it is not complicated.

And, if people make the Internet and social media sound complicated then stop listening to them, they are wrong!

These are things we have been saying for years.

If you’re still stuck, get in touch with us.


digital marketing ballymenadigital media ballymenaInternet ballymenasocial media ballymena
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