Learn Baby CPR – St John Ambulance Ballymena

Learn Baby CPR – St John Ambulance Ballymena

St John Ambulance have released a video with advice about baby CPR. If a baby stops breathing would you know what to do? It is a terrifying thing to have to think about but statistics say that one in four parents wouldn’t know what to do. That is why St John Ambulance created this video which uses nursery rhymes to teach the baby CPR technique.

Learn Baby CPR – St John Ambulance Ballymena

If your baby stopped breathing, would you know how to perform infant CPR? The scary reality is that about a quarter of parents wouldn’t, and that’s why the UK charity St. John Ambulance put together an easy how-to in the form of a musical video.

The video features characters like Humpty Dumpty and Jack and Jill, along with a catchy song about performing CPR that reminds us what steps to take and how long to carry out each action. First, of course, you should call an ambulance. If you’re alone, the video advises that you should do one minute of CPR before calling, then continue as soon as help is on the way. To know how to perform CPR, you just follow the steps in the song:

You first place the infant on a flat surface and tilt their head back. You cover their mouth and nose with your mouth, then give five small puffs of air, each lasting about one second. Next, use two fingers in the center of their chest to pump 30 times at a rate of 100 to 120 pumps per minute. After that, you repeat the sequence with two puffs and 30 pumps until help arrives. (Source)

Learn Baby CPR - St John Ambulance Ballymena

Visit the St John Ambulance website for more first aid advice and information on baby first aid training courses. At Ballymena Today we think that it is really important to share this useful information with other. So go ahead and share the conversation with anyone you know who would like to learn more about Baby CPR.

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