Ballymena Instagram accounts to help you swing into Spring

Ballymena Instagram accounts to help you swing into Spring

Well it certainly seems like spring has sprung, and we better be quick because it might not last that long – here’s hoping.

Ballymena Instagram accounts to help you swing into Spring

Ballymena Instagram accounts to help you swing into Spring

Here are some local accounts that we suggest you follow to help you with the transition into spring:

1/ Crossfit Ballymena

So summer is approaching and the weather is a bit brighter and it is the perfect time to get out and get some exercise. CrossFit Ballymena is the first local crossfit affiliate. They have a 1500 sq ft facility located just off the Bog Road at Crebilly Business Park. Their instagram has been getting us motivated to learn some new exercises and work out. Click here to follow Crossfit Ballymena on Instagram.


2/ Willow beauty

Sometimes sunny days catch us by surprise and we aren’t quite ready to bare the bits that we want to. That is why following Willow Beauty on instagram is a must this spring. Their pictures of the perfect manicures and pedicures will remind you to sort your nails out, and also plenty of beauty inspiration. Tanning, waxing and all the spring inspiration can be found in one place. Just take a look at the beautiful spring colours below. Click here follow Willow Beauty on instagram.


3/ Slemish Market Garden

This is one of the best times of the year when we get to see all the gardens and trees spring back into life. Where better to follow this seasons produce than by following Slemish Market Garden. It is a great place to stay up to date with their products and what is in the shop right at that moment. Follow Slemish Market Garden here.


So there you go – that is our pick of the local instagram accounts to get you all set for spring. If you have any favourite instagram account ran by local businesses please let us know about them and if you have an instagram account please follow us at Ballymena.Today. Click here to see out instagram account.



crossfit ballymenainstagram ballymenaslemish market gardenwillow beauty
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