The Latest Outdoor Gear From Outdoor Adventure

The Latest Outdoor Gear From Outdoor Adventure

You can get kitted out with the latest outdoor gear from Outdoor Adventure on Church Street. We’ve had a great spell of weather recently and if it’s encouraged you to get more active outdoors then you might need some new clothing, footwear, accessories or gadgets. Outdoor Adventure have all of these and much more.

We called at the shop to see the latest in outdoor gear.

Teva Sandals

Going on holiday? Or just like to wear good walking sandals during the summer? This new range of sandals from Teva have just arrived at Outdoor Adventure. Sturdy, stylish, lightweight and available for both men and women.



Bridgedale Socks

Do you find your feet get too hot when you walk in warmer weather? This range of socks from local manufacturer, Bridgedale, are made especially for warm weather walking. Called Light Hiker, they will help keep your feet cooler and are available to fit various sizes in both ladies and mens.

The Latest Outdoor Gear From Outdoor Adventure

Goal Zero Solar Panel and accessories.

Technology plays a big part in our lives and has also made it’s way into how we can ‘do’ outdoor living. Outdoor Adventure now stock Goal Zero products. This is a fantastic piece of kit! A solar panel which you can strap onto your backpack or rucksack. While you walk it builds up power from the sun so you can connect your phone or USB device and charge them when needed. It can also power the lanterns you see in the photo. Handy if your hike involves an overnight camp.

The Latest Outdoor Gear From Outdoor Adventure

Tilley hats

The sun has been shining brightly the last few days and Outdoor Adventure stock a great range of Tilley hats to help protect you. Made in Canada, these hats provide UPF 50+ UV protection and are guaranteed for life. They’re rain repellent and especially of use to fishermen, canoeists, etc, they float if dropped in water!

Are you intending to get out and about more over the summer? Check out the latest outdoor gear from Outdoor Adventure on Church Street, Ballymena.

Outdoor Adventure, who recently celebrated 10 years as a Ballymena business, are based at 135 – 137 Church Street. We’ve only covered the tip of the iceberg of the latest outdoor gear from Outdoor Adventure. In stock they have a huge selection of jackets, fleeces, walking boots & shoes and all the accessories you will need for any outdoor adventure. Also lots of equipment like tents, rucksacks, cooking gear, maps, torches and so much more! Check out their website here where you can order any of the products we’ve featured. Also find them on Facebook here.

ballymenaballymena businesschurch streetoutdoor adventureoutdoor gearthe latest outdoor gear from outdoor adventure
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