Dogs Trust Ballymena Fun Day 2017

Dogs Trust Ballymena Fun Day 2017

You’d be barking to miss the Dogs Trust Ballymena Fun Day 2017 on Saturday 10th June. It’s taking place at the new venue of Michelin Athletic Club from 12 noon to 4:00pm.

Dogs Trust Ballymena is inviting local dog lovers and their four-legged-friends to their annual Family Fun Day. The event promises plenty of fun and games for everyone including the ever popular All Day Fun Dog Show. Classes include Best Senior Dog, Cutest Puppy and Best Rescue Dog. So make sure your four-legged friends have their paws at the ready! Other activities on the day include a Doggy Dash, a raffle, various stalls and the ever popular Dogs Trust Tombola. There will be Canine Carers on hand to offer rehoming advice, free microchipping and a Dogs Trust Reunion.

Dogs Trust Ballymena Fun Day 2017

Dogs Trust Ballymena Supporter Relations Officer Samuel Reid gave us some more information about the event.

“There are all sorts of fun activities planned throughout the day so do come along and support Dogs Trust Ballymena. We can promise you a really fun day out for all the family! There are currently still spaces available for trade pitches and we are also appealing for donations for the raffle and tombola stall.”

“We are so excited to be hosting our annual Fun Day in an all new venue. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet local dog lovers and raise pounds for the hounds in our care! All proceeds from the day help us to care for the many stray, abandoned and unwanted dogs we currently care for at our Ballymena Rehoming Centre.”

You’d be barking to miss doggy fun day at Dogs Trust Ballymena Fun Day 2017 on Saturday 10th June from 12 noon – 4:00pm.  Please take note of the new venue – Michelin Athletic Club, 30 Woodside Road, Ballymena.

Gates will be open 12.00pm-4.00pm. Entry is £2 per adult. Children are free but encouraged to donate one tin of dog food.

For more information or if you have any questions please contact Samuel Reid. You can do this via email – or by phone on 02825661007. You can also find out about Dogs Trust Ballymena on their website here.

Dogs Trust Ballymena’s Fun Day 2017 | Saturday 10th June | Michelin Athletic Club, 30 Woodside Road, Ballymena, BT42 4HX


ballymenadogs trustdogs trust ballymenadogs trust ballymena fun daydogs trust ballymena fun day 2017michelin atheletic clubwoodside road
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